What You Need To Know About Cedar Flooring
People have been using cedar wood for centuries due to its delicate and pleasant aroma, and its beautiful red color. Known also as Southern Red Juniper, Pencil Cedar, or Savin, cedar is primarily used to make furniture, boats, or shingles, but its popularity as a hardwood flooring species has been growing in recent years. Below are some frequently asked questions that many people have when considering using cedar as a flooring material!
Is Cedar Good Flooring?
Cedar is a softwood, which is why many people hesitate before using it as a flooring material. When we talk about the density of wood, we typically measure it on what is known as the Janka scale, a hardness test that measures the amount of force required to press a small steel ball into the surface of the wood. A low Janka score means the wood is more likely to dent or scratch.
Cedar has a relatively low Janka rating of somewhere between 350-900. Compare that to a hardwood species like red oak flooring, which has a Janka rating of about 1,290. This is one of the reasons that most people only consider hardwood species for flooring in rooms that have a lot of foot traffic.
What Are the Advantages of Cedar Flooring?
For rooms that don’t have a lot of foot traffic, cedar is actually a great choice for your floors! Cedar is native to North America, and is a highly renewable wood for wood floors. Cedar is also usually very easy to install compared to hardwood, as it tends to be more pliable. This makes cedar floors both cost-effective and eco-friendly wood floors in your home. In fact, cedar flooring can often cost less than half of what you might pay for a hardwood species. It is one of the cheapest hardwood floors!
Cedar wood has a rustic look, with beautiful knots and a range of colors from inviting, warm red tones, to cooler white shades. Not to mention its gorgeous smell. This makes it the ideal flooring for guest rooms, closets, or other rooms in the home with less foot traffic.
What Are the Disadvantages of Cedar Flooring?
Lets address the top issue when it comes to cedar flooring; there’s no getting around the fact that cedar floors are going to be much more prone to showing signs of wear and tear. Any dropped objects are going to leave their mark, and it will quickly show signs or damage if heavy furniture is moved over it.
Many people also prefer to purchase wood flooring that comes prefinished with a durable stain and topcoat. Cedar planks will rarely be sold prefinished, meaning you will likely have to install unfinished cedar planks and have them sanded and finished one they’re in place. This can be messy, and you may need to stay somewhere else during the hardwood finish drying time so as not to disrupt it.
Cedar Flooring in Closets
Cedar closets haven’t lost their appeal for ages, and for several good reasons. Not only will your closet smell fantastic, but the cedar wood will also repel moths. Lining the floor of your closet with cedar is a great way to keep moths out of your clothes, even if you’re not ready to invest in making the entire closet out of cedar.
What Are the Grades of Cedar Planks?
While cedar is known for having a rustic woodfloor look, you will be able to have some say in how much character your cedar floor planks have. #1 grade cedar planks are typically more uniform than #2 grade planks. That means if you go for #1 grade, you’ll have fewer blemishes, knots, or pinholes, and more uniformity of color and plank length. Of course, that also means you’ll be paying a little more out of pocket.
No matter what hardwood flooring grade you end up purchasing, if you purchase cedar planks that are longer length, it will result in fewer joints in your floor. That means a faster hardwood floor installation time, which can save you money on labor when installing a new floor.
Ready To Install Your Cedar Floors?
Cedar flooring is an attractive, budget-friendly hardwood floor option that doesn’t sacrifice quality when used in rooms with low foot traffic. Easy to install and work with, rooms with cedar floors will look and smell fantastic, and are durable when properly cared for and maintained. Call us at (215) 515-7355 and ask for Steve, or reach out via our online form to get started on cedar flooring installation project today!
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